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AAWS Project List 

New Dog Sun Shelter

AAWS is constructing a new sun shelter for the resident dogs to help keep them cooler in the summer months. The pictures below have captured all the progress of this worthwhile project. AAWS is very appreciative and grateful to all who volunteered their time, materials, effort and hard work in the construction of this very worthwhile sun shelter! Our furry residents sure do appreciate it, too!

Storage Shed

The AAWS storage shed has been completed. The next phase of this project is to add electricity to the shed.

The project list also includes adding more lighting in the back area.

The Walter "Bill" Scallan Cat Room

The expansion to the existing cat room has been completed. The pictures below show all the progress of this worthwhile effort, beginning with the pouring of the concrete slab on June 6, 2016.  

The cat room has been dedicated to the memory of long-time AAWS board member and volunteer, Walter "Bill" Scallan.


The fencing project includes enclosing the perimeter of the shelter all the way around. It took a lot of labor and patience and is complete!

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